Sunday, March 1, 2009

Welcome Baby Jake

Thank you Corrie for hacking into my blog and updating everyone, lol! Baby Jake arrived Feb 27, 2009 at 12:31pm weighing in at 6lbs 13oz and 19 3/4inches long. I started having contractions on my own. They woke me up about 3am and about 5am the started to get a little worse. I woke Mike up (yes he was sleeping through it) and I jumped into the shower. Im a little vain I put make up on and did my hair in between my contractions. I WAS NOT going to the hospital ugly. lol So by the time I got to the hospital I was in alot of pain and in active labor. I was dilated to 5cm and things were moving pretty fast. I was only there about an hour and then I got my epidural. I was a very happy girl once i got that. The nurse asked me if I wanted them to break my water and start pushing. I asked if we could wait until my mom got there. So when they did break my water I wasn't dilated all the way to 10 but they thought I could push it away. I tired a few times but it didn't work so they stopped and decided to turn me side to side. Well then my contractions slowed down, so they hooked my up to pitocin to get things moving again. The baby and I didnt responded very well to it. The baby heart rate got very low and it scared everyone. They gave me a shot in my arm to stop my contractions all together and took me off the pitocin for about 20mins to see if the baby's heart would go back up. Things were fine after that 20 mins and I was pushing and he was born @ 12:31. We had great nurses and Dr's and midwife. Everything turn out fine. We are home and doing great, a little tired but that's to be expected. Thank you to every ones love!

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