Saturday, November 29, 2008


So today I had a pretty rough day. I had to attend a funeral for a friend Denise who lost her husband to a tragic accident. It really made me put life into prospective. I'm so sadden for her lost, but at the same time I'm so thankful because it makes me appreciate what I have so much more. I attended the funeral with my old co-workers who I love all so much. It's so nice to see that I worked with such a great office, they all really pulled together and became such a wonderful team. Denise is so lucky to be part of such a great staff of people. I only wish I could be half of what they all are. This past week has taught me so much. To be grateful for what you have, but to also to help others. I'm so inspired by the love this office has for one another. It's so nice to be able to say that I once belonged in that office and that still to this day all of them are like family to me.

Thanksgiving 2008

So this year was my first year doing Thanksgiving. I have a hard time saying I did it because I had so much help from my mom. It was a good year to learn how do it. Corrie was at her in laws and Amy was in Florida so it was just going to be us. I told my mom it was a great year to teach me. So we had my parents and Mikes parents and it was so good. I missed my sisters greatly but it turned out to be a very awesome day. The food was great and the company was even better. Mike and I love having people over at our house. So I think I get to do Thanksgiving again next year. lol

Friday, November 21, 2008


So tonight Mike and I took Tyler to see Bolt. He had such a great week at school and daycare that we wanted to show him that he can be rewarded for being so awesome. (I'm kinda thinking the whole hand thing had something to do with) anyways Bolt was a very cute movie. I highly recommend it to anyone. We got to see it in 3D which I think made it even cooler. Tyler loved that movie and was so thankful that he got to see it. So go see it, your kids will love it!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tyler's first injury at 5yrs

So I got a call on Thursday from the lady who takes care of Tyler after school. He had been playing on a office chair and jumped off when it was still spinning. (by Juilanna) He landed on his left arm. Luckly it's not broke but he did hurt it bad enought that he needed a Splint and a Sling. Needless to say he is not very happy. It has slowed him down a bit and he has decided never to do that AGAIN!!!

New to this whole Blog thing!!

So my sister Corrie has a blog and I just love it...... So I thought what a great thing to do and since we just got a new computer I thought it would be a great time to start one. So thanks Corrie just one more thing to play on!!!!!