Friday, January 9, 2009

My Dr.s appointment today

Today I had my Dr.'s appt. my mom was very excited to go with me. Everything looks great. My Doctor thinks this baby will be smaller then Tyler was, but I doubt it. He thought the same thing with Tyler and he was a normal size. I guess will see in a few weeks. Im glad my mom got to go. I think she really enjoys it. After my appointment my mom corrie and I and Tyler and Emilee all went to lunch. It was so yummy. Corrie went and got Tyler for me since I couldn't due to my appt. running late. (OB Dr's NEVER run on time) So thank you sooo much for picking him up. I go back on Monday the 26th. Its getting closer and closer I cant wait!!!!

1 comment:

D and C said...

You are seriously adorable!!!!