Thursday, January 21, 2010

My surprise!!

So my wonderful Husband had been saying for over a week that he bought me something. I could not figure out what was so exciting that he could have bought me. Since we decided money was tight and we didn't buy anything for each other during Christmas, there really wasn't anything I could think of that he would have brought me. I know I really wanted a cricut but I knew that they were every expensive and just figured it would be one of those things I would get when we win the lottery. I also wanted these new shoe's for Christmas and a few weeks ago Tyler had asked us why Santa didn't bring me my shoe's I wanted? So I kinda thought maybe that's what Mike had bought me, but he threw me off with him being so excited. Shoe's just couldn't be that exciting. Soooooo the last few days I just didn't know what it was. On Tuesday he told me that it was here in Concord at the post office but they wouldn't give it to him. So then yesterday Mike had a dentist appointment. He was gone for such a long time almost 2 hours. When he got home he told me my present was here, in the garage!! I pretended not to care,but he had gone to the post office again to pick it up him self. So then I was so curious what on earth could it be. So I went out side. When I figured out what it was I started to cry. He was right I did love it and he did a great job surprising me. I just knew that it was expensive and I felt so guilty. He told me that with Christmas not getting anything and our anniversary coming up he wanted to get me something, but then he also said that he appreciated all that I do for him and our children and he knows how hard I work keeping the house clean and organized. So even though I still don't feel like I deserve such a wonderful gift my husband does and I love it so much and I so excited to make such great things with it. I'm going to go to the craft store as soon as I can go find stuff. So thank you so much to my husband I am feeling so blessed and loved. I am so excited for my new cricut.


April J. said...

I am taking note that you have one! I have lots of projects that can be done with this, mostly to do with vinyl! What a lucky girl you are!

Denise Wilson said...

What a wonderful husband! :)