Friday, February 27, 2009

Baby Jake Watch

*1:52-Jacob Rodger Britto weighed in at 6 pounds 13 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long! He looks like his big brother Tyler!!
*12:31 pm-BABY JAKE IS HERE! Waiting on the details from the proud daddy!
*10:24 am-She tried to push but Mike thinks she is only at a 9 so they are flip flopping her side to side to move it along! Mike says she's a trooper!!
*10:11 am-No baby yet.........Could be any time
This is Kelly's sister Corrie, she woke up this morning in LABOR (she didn't have to be induced after all YEAH). As of around 8ish this morning she was dilated to a 5 and getting her epidural! Currently she's no longer in pain! I'll update more when I can!

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Dr.s appt

I had my Dr's appt today and I was looking forward to it thinking that he would give me a light at the end of the tunnel. He did but how every he really hurt me. As he was checking to see if I was dilated he said my cervix just wasn't where he thought it should be. So he stripped my membranes and made me dilate to 2cm. He said that is could start the contraction going or it will make it easier for me when I go in on Friday to be induced. Wow it hurt so bad, I thought he was pulling my insides out. Mike has been home with me all day, taking good care of me since I'm so uncomfortable now. It has started contraction and they are not very comfortable. I still think that I wont be able to go into labor on my own and that I'm going to be induced on Friday. I really didn't want to be induced but I'm very sick of being pregnant and I'm ready to start a new chapter in our lives. I cant wait to see Tyler be a big brother. I think he's going to be so good to baby Jake. As far as Michael he is such a good dad and has been so good helping out this last month that I have no doubt that he will be just a wonderful when the newest family member gets here. I'm happy that this is almost over.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Due date!!

So today is my due date and I'm still PREGNANT!!! I had Tyler on his due date so its been really exciting to see if I would have another one on my due day, but it doesn't look like it. I'm very excited and anxious to get this over with. I haven't been all that uncomfortable until last night. I tried to get up to use the restroom and I could get up, I made so much noise I woke Mike up. I felt so bad, but now I'm uncomfortable and I'm very ready to have this baby. I downloaded some pictures of the baby cradle set my sister made for me. It turned out really cute and I just love it. I wish I had her make one when Tyler was a baby.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Another one sick!

I'm just starting to feel better, I went to work on Thursday and Friday to help out as much as I can until I'm gone for maternity leave, but now Tyler is sick. It's not very often that he is sick but when he is, he is very sick. I feel so sorry for him. I know how miserable it is to be sick with this yucky cold/Flu. I'm going to have to stay home with him until he gets better. So no school for him tomorrow and no work for me. We all have to get better before baby Jake arrives. I really don't want him to come into this world with a bunch of sick people. So pray we all get better before baby Jake gets here.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Still sick

So whatever this is that I have it horrible and lasts forever. I am now on the 9th day of being sick. I haven't been to work in over a week. I went to my Dr's appointment yesterday and he told me that because of me being pregnant it could last longer then normal. He gave me some instructions to help with getting better. During my appointment he checked the baby and could tell that because I'm not feeling all that great was affecting the baby. The baby hasn't been very active since I got sick. He measured my stomach and big surprise I'm still measuring smaller then normal. (I didn't measure normal with Tyler ether) He decided just to double check everything and got the ultrasound machine and check the baby's size and the fluid level. He said that the baby is about 6 1/2lbs and that everything looks great. So baby Jake should be about the same size he big brother was at birth. He told me to get lots of rest and try to get better before the big day.

Friday, February 6, 2009

38 weeks and sick

I'm now officially 38 weeks, but on Tuesday I started to getting sick at work. By the end of the night I was laying on our couch crying. (I don't do well with being sick) Wednesday I called in sick to work and staid home to rest so I could try to go to work the next day. Wednesday night I got even worse. I was laying in bed with the chills and a fever that lasted for hours. By Yesterday morning I was so ill. I cant remember the last time I felt so horrible. Needless to say I didn't make it to work. It finally dawned on me that I had the flu. My body ached and my throat hurt so bad and I was very congested. My night was not just horrible for me, but I guess it was hard for the baby too. When I had woke up tried to eat some breakfast and I realized that I hadn't felt the baby move since 4 in the morning. He's a very active baby so for him not to kick me at list once worried me. I ended up calling the Dr.s and they wanted to see me just to make sure things were ok. They said since I had a fever I probably got dehydrated and the baby might not be feeling good because I wasn't feeling good. Mike was so good to me yesterday, I couldn't have asked for anything better. He took me to the hospital and sat with me while they monitored the baby. (He's so funny every time we go to the hospital he loves to see what other women's contractions are doing because they put a bunch on the monitors) So before we left they did an exam and I was dilated 1cm. woohoo! That was pretty exciting to hear so maybe not much longer. So the baby was fine, he must have been very tired from the rough night we had. My sister Corrie was so wonderful to pick up Tyler for us while we were getting checked so we stopped by her house to pick him up. Mike took me home so I could rest and Tyler and daddy went to the store to get mommy a few things to make her feel better. Today my fever finally broke and I'm starting to feel so much better. Corrie even said I looked "much" better today. :0) I have another Dr.'s appt on Tuesday so hopefully I will have Dilated more.